best transport?

I'm going to buy a TeddyDac (heard one and loved it's analog sound) but would require a transport. Recommendations most appreciated.
I used a Weiss DAC2 for a year with a 47Labs 4716 transport. To my ear they worked beautifully together and soon I was dreaming of upgrading the transport to the 4713 Flatfish(only $25k cheaper than the top of the line $30k PiTracer, anybody). However I began to notice a definite division in my CD collection. I found that there were those that performed sublimely well and those that fell well short. Too many fell short of the sound I was looking for. So I ultimately got rid of both and instead went for an ARC CD5 which allows a good many more of my collection to sound good or even great. But in all honesty I have to admit the best ones don't sound as good as the Weiss/47Labs combo.
A computer such as a Mac Mini. You will see numerous articles and comments about a computer-based system besting megabucks transports. And then there is the convenience factor.
CEC TL series. Belt drive sounds like music. And the transports are beautiful and indestructible.

Yes I was asking "favorite". I've heard the 47 Labs Flatfish and not impressed. Heard an Esoterci X0-3Se and it very nice maybe a bit on the neutral/sterile side (which isn't a bad thing) but looking more on the warm side of neutral. I've tried computers as transports (Apple Pro) but not the same IMHO.