Is this the END of DAYS for the high end CD player

Seem like this format days are numbered like the cassette and LP. Why would you want to spend 5k or 10k+ for a high-end CD player or DAC combo??

Just trying to see what other audiophile’s thoughts are and where you guys & gals may be planing for the future. Do you stop here at the high end CD player and this format or go completely too digital files?

I'm at a quandary about investing into an expensive CD player setup.
you really need to qualify what you mean by 'high-end cd player'-----to me, it is a player which costs over $3000-

in that perspective, then, I agree the need for $3000 plus players are going to be obsolete. I would never buy a new player for $3000, but I would pay $3000 for a used $10,000 one

I personally am interested in the Sony XA-5400 player which is often talked about and those go for $1200 these days---

As with LP's, I like the idea of going shopping for CDs---I live near an area with 2 great used LP/Cd stores and go once a week and spend about 1-2 hours there----when I have a bad week, or feel down, i like to shop for Cds-----kinda like the way Audrey Hepburn went to Tiffany's in Breakfast at Tiffany's. (does that sound weird?)

I prefer to actually to be able to own and hold the music i pay for. I think there are enough people like me to keep the slim market there for CD players at a certain price point.
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No, not for high end. They still sound better to my ear :-) I love to handle the CD and am not near ready for diving into computer based audio. Still to much change and improvements for me to jump into it just yet.
I just added a CD player (again) to my vinyl system, I have been away from CD's for a couple of years. My reasoning is that even though CD's are on their way out there was a long run and as they become less popular there will be a lot of used CD's for years to come. I find that I like vinyl and CD's, depending on the recording.

I don't see me going computer based unless I'm forced. I love searching various venues for good used lp's and cd's. It's exciting when I stumble on to a great find. I find it hard to comprehend the thought of downloading all of this music as being fun. There's no fun in searching online for music. Sounds like a lot of wasted time in front of the computer. I don't spend much time in front of it, nor do I spend much time in front of the television. I have a cell phone I use to make/receive calls, that's it, no email, no texts, no internet. I guess I'm a dinosaur.