esoteric x05 vs sa50

Anyone compared the two? I read that SA50 has digital in so that will be pretty future proof, but is it on the same league as x05?
I purchased the SA-50 with great results after 400 plus hours of burning in.

Prior to the Esoteric SA-50 I was using a BCD1 (Bryston). The Bryston is an excellent RED Book Player with some of the finest musicality toe tapping results. I sold it for the Esoteric because it sounded more silky and I had less listening fatigue. The SA-50 is a well rounded CD/SACD player.

Never tried the x05 though. I hear great things too. Can't go wrong with either one. If the built in DAC option is not for you then I say go for the x05 because less is better in that case. Better transport for the x05.

I am happy and content for now. TIP: use a JPS AC Digital power cord.

Take Care
thanks so much for sharing, for me x-05 has better bass, more solid preseantation, but SA-50 has the digital in(and cheaper),tough one! also considering ayre as well, very musical, but cx7e mp is not as detailed as esoteric.
Digital in's did it for me. The added flexability they off surpassed any shortcomings that the CD/SACD might have. I'm really enjoying my SA-50 which is now about 1 month old.