Rebuilding vintage Rogers Studio 1 monitors

Had to delete this attempt.  Need to figure out how to embed photos.



I Recognize and Appreciate your efforts… (insert applause here)… seriously though, Nice Job. Next time though, use a can of Millstreet or Moosehead… for better bass.

When you take things apart, the small gauge OEM wiring of equipment that built the success of so many Makers will surprise you. It is hard to resist ’good/better/best’, but you understand there is much over-doing of things, especially wire gauges.

Use proper speaker wire gauge related to the length from amp to speaker (relative to the driver's impedance).

Roger Russell Speaker Wire Info

Combined Wire Gauge Calculator

Inside, insignificant distances: crossover wire feeds a voice coil. any substantial signal will burn the coil wire, i.e. there ain’t much juice involved

@ticat Dude, you got a loud laugh when I read your reply!  Thank you, and thank you.  While more bass is always better, no Millstreet in my area and no Moosehead in cans.  Besides, half the fun is the improvisation!  The Molson was there and cold...

@elliottbnewcombjr Exactly!  And thank you for the Roger Russell citation.  Lots of folks here have argued interpretations of fundamental physics of electricity and electrodynamic devices.  The Rogers interpretation still works well 42+ years later.  I feel that says everything that needs to be said.

Nice story.I am working on restoring my second pair of these wonderful speakers.