Would changing to a MC solve my problem?

Not getting enough gain with my Hegel V10 phono stage. I have a MM cart at the moment. 

The question is this:

Would a MC cart with .4mV and phono stage with 66db of gain play louder than a MM with an output of 2.4mV and Gain of 46dB?
I'm sure there are calculators out there, but haven't found them yet. 


I think lewm was referring to the V10.

I see. My apologies.

Avanti1960, that was one of the first things I tried. I have a set of Cardas adapters, but they made no difference in the volume. I'll have to check how they are wired because that should have worked.


Dear @lewm : The OP already has the answers to his questionsand some additional information for he can pull the trigger but instead of doing that he follows posting. Here what I said it:

he has the link calculator that noromance posted and that according those 46db/2.4mv gives: 478mv.

MC gives no more flexibility.

Buy the excellent Goldring 1042 MM that has 6.5mv on output level.

Puts in contact directly with Hegel and Soundsmith and explain it to them. "


Now, exist the possibility that the V10 is not achieving those 46db and exist the posibility too that its cartridge has not that nominal 2.4mv output level but a little lower.


But he said that with his former phono stage Phonomena the gain was no issue at all BUT ( always exist a " but " ) the Phonomena gain kind of desing permits

( either MC/MM cartridges. ) to change the gain between 40db to 66db in 4-5 swith positions/steps gain.This kind of designis a little unusual for aphono stage but even that Phenomena says in its owner instructions:


" Lower gains ( 40db and 46db. ) for MM cartridges or a HOMC with an output level of 2.0mv or higher. The OP cartridge has higher output.


So, it’s useless to continue this MONOLOGUE due that I agree with you:

" I think you aren’t paying attention and/ ......"

