Devore 093 compared to o96

I have the o93, and with my Thoress amps I haven’t heard anything better. But I’m wondering as we do in this hobby.

who has upgraded from the o93 to the o96 and what were your findings?


I'm running mine with Thoress 845 and Thoress ff preamp.


thanks for your info and time.




FWIW, a Devore dealer felt that the 96 was significantly better than the 93.  I only demoed the 96 and loved the sound.

I’ve demoed the best/latest speakers I could find at high-end audio shows and many dealerships.  The 96 is one of the most musical speakers with detail that I’ve ever heard and likely will own a pair someday.  

I have owned both, and compared them side by side. I prefer the O/96 and now in my 7th year with these speakers.

However 0/93 speakers are much easier to get right, easier to place, easier to find amp match etc, easier with room sizes. O/96 is more finicky, it took me a long long time to find the right room/amp/placing for these speakers (years...). But they are worth it and are IMHO end-game speakers unless you have stupid-money for uber-speakers (and they might still not necessarily beat the O/96).

I am very curious to hear from people who have upgraded from O/96 to O/Bronze or the limited edition O Twenties, but guess it's still early days.