DSD coming to Qobuz streaming?

It looks like DSD files will soon stream on Qobuz - this may take some of the wind out of the sails of HDTracks and MQA. Some DSD recordings are already available for download, such as this classic from Boston.

I checked with Qobuz directly and was told there will be "an official announcement soon."

Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds

MQA is dead. It's dead, Jim. Hallelujah. 

MQA will be featured on the new HDTracks streaming service.

Qobuz hinted at this years ago. 

Precisely in July 2022, when they said ”wait for a year”. 

Given the file sizes, I wonder if DSD CAN be streamed via the Internet effectively?  I mean, it can't be larger than 4K video can it? Then again many Americans and others worldwide don't have access to 300Mbps Internet either.  Maybe DSD downloads would be a better fit. And I wonder exactly what catalog of DSD music is out there given that very few studios use it as a recording medium? Classical maybe? I mean if something is recorded in 24bit/192Khz and you convert it to DSD you aren't really gaining anything. So unless the files are native DSD I don't see the point. And like others have said, you have to have a DAC that supports it. Many don't.