Package sent to wrong address

I recently was selling 2 of the same Krell equalizers. The first one sold about 3 weeks ago and the second one was sold about a week later. Fast forward to Thursday night. I received a call from the buyer of the second purchaser saying that he never received the shipment yet and asked if I had the tracking number. I was very surprised and found the receipt and asked him if he was from Washington as the receipt said. He said no he was in NJ were I live. That shipment should have been there in 2 days. I was now extremely confused. I now looked up the shipping on his purchase and sure enough it said his name but his address was showing Washington. I then looked up the information from the first buyer and the address was the same as the second buyer. I texted a pic of both purchases from him and the first buyer and told him AG had the wrong address down for your shipping address. I explained to him that his address was the same address as the first purchaser. He also went to look it up on AG and sure enough they had the wrong shipping address for him as the same as the first purchaser. Now he then checked his account page and it had his NJ address but his shipping address was showing Washington. Same as the first buyer. I then immediately called up the first buyer and explained the situation and he denied ever getting the second shipment. Now the tracking was showing that it was delivered to him on 2/6 and left at his front door. And no I didn’t get a signature required but if there was one time I should’ve was then. He was a Chinese guy and did sound very nervous and it did sound like he was lying to me. We both wrote emails to AG and they are looking into this very odd situation. I truly believe that it was not my or the second purchasers fault in this transaction / shipping. Also both purchase invoices are not the same numbers. They were 2 different listings, 2 different listings purchasers / I also paid 2 different selling fees when they sold. Now the first purchaser has a second unit for free. I am very upset over this as my record / buyer and seller are perfect. I also feel very bad for the second person and hate that the first purchaser is lying about not getting it. If he was honest we would ship it back to me as I would of paid shipping. Once again AG is saying it’s very ODD and looking into the this. Will keep posted.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

@thecarpathian Yes we are definitely keeping in touch with each other. Like I said we are not blaming one another.This is just a very odd and misfortune situation 

Hope it all works out.

It's a shame buyer #1 is a no integrity thief.

This could have been cleared up easily.

This is a strange situation indeed it sounds like perhaps a glitch in the Audiogon system?


And embarrassingly I will admit a few years ago I was selling two different cables and shipped both packages on the same day and switched the buyers! Luckily they were both very nice guys and I paid to have them ship their packages to one another. First and last time I make a mistake like that one!  🤣

@tattooedtrackman .... I have also had dealings with the op and do not question his integrity in any way. I believe that regardless of any agon agreement that they should at the very least be involved as much as possible to help get this resolved.  

Shipping should always be verified before shipping ,I have been doing this for years after owning a store ,signature required anything  over a grand .

how did AG mess this up ? I don’t think AG will offer any $$ .

how was it paid for ? I am sure the customer will file for a refund and PPal will just reverse the charge from your account.