Aurender Conductor App

Is anyone else having a problem with this app? I can't seem to connect, I reached out for support but haven't heard back.


Ari has been very helpful with problems in the past. Listening now and the N10 sounds great.


Hoping for the numbered quick indexing feature in the songs section to added back soon.

I also have issues with the Conductor app.

What I find most frustrating is in trying to download music files from a usb drive to the Aurender.  

If I have a large batch of files to download all at once and one of the files is corrupted the whole batch download fails.  I have to download them one at a time until I hit upon the defective file.  Why can't the software guide me as to the faulty file and give me the opportunity to skip it and all others defective.

Similarily, If I have duplicate files, the software doesn't advise me of this.  It will download 10 copies of the same file without asking if I want to overwrite or skip such file.

Anyone else have these issues, or am I not configuring the software right?

@jscottm, this is a great question and suggestion. All corrupted files should be handled as you suggested.

Please log an Aurender remote support request and ask them. Thanks.

What I find most frustrating is in trying to download music files from a usb drive to the Aurender. If I have a large batch of files to download all at once and one of the files is corrupted the whole batch download fails.

The easiest solution is to put the USB drive into a computer running on the same network as the Aurender. Then you can copy from there into the Aurender.