What affects front to back depth in room/ system?

I've been moving speakers around for a while now trying to maximize their placement for a happy balance of soundstage width, focus of center image, vocal height, instrument placements, etc. I want to get the speaker placement settled before acoustically treating the room. The room is 15x20 with 8' ceilings. Speakers are setup along the 20' wall. I'm pretty happy with most aspects of the sound, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to improve the depth. Honestly, I'm not sure if what I'm after is attainable to begin with. Is it possible to have depth that reaches the listening position in a 2.2 channel sound system? The depth behind the speakers is great, just not much in front of them- unless it's one of those songs that has a part where it has that inverted phase trick. Then it washes over me. I want that all the time. Any feedback and advice is appreciated. 


Interestingly, I came across this video tonight. I swear Paul can read my mind sometimes.

After watching Paul’s video, it sounds like what I’m hoping for can be found in a surround sound system, but that’s not my cup of tea. I’m becoming a bit of a purist at really like the simplicity of 2 channel. At some point, I hope to get speakers to where I can get rid of my 2 subs.



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I also made it over to my local audio shop and took a listen to this today. I’m not sure how good this system rates in the big picture. It consists of a $40K T+A integrated solid state amp, 30K Fyne speakers, Chord Dave DAC, one of the Hi-Fi Rose streamers, and all Nordost cabling. It sounded great, but in the end soundstage and depth were not too far apart from what I have at home. Here’s the setup I listened to:


and here’s my setup at home:


I get that effect where the musicians are playing in the space in front of the speakers as well as the usual depth behind them. The speakers are completely gone in the 3D soundfield. Vinyl, tubes, Quad ESL57.  I'm not sure how that translates into your set up but perhaps tubes might help. 

I think you should start with some basic treatments, the simple stuff that is unlikely to change. Diffusion on the rear wall, absorption on the side walls, absorption on the ceiling absorption behind you. Then report back on how that affects, your soundstage