Moving Magnet Phono Cartridges

I probably sound like a broken record (no pun intended) but I still haven’t pulled the trigger on the Hana MC cartridge.  I have been considering a moving magnet cartridge instead and have been researching.   I haven’t found many reviews of the better ones online except for users comments.  

I have been looking at the Audio Technica cartridges, Goldring and Ortofon.   I really wish I could find a Shure V15 or equivalent.  To the users of moving magnet cartridges, can you help me out or steer me in the right direction?


+1 on Soundsmith. Not a MM in the traditional sense, but not a MC either. I’m very happy with my Carmen II.

I had been using a 1980"s Audio Technica 112SX with a NOS Shibata stylus. Great detail and soundstage, but fatiguing after a while. Just replaced it with a Goldring E3 which Stereophile gave a Class B rating and is under $200. I imagine the new E4, would be better yet. (It came out after my E3 purchase).