Vinyl is back for good and that’s exciting


grislybutter, Apparently you shop at Goodwill and yard sales.  Prices on coveted work by first rank artists on original labels are pretty stable if not rising, based on my recent 3 days spent at the Capitol Audio Fest here in DC. I am referring of course to "pre-owned" LPs.  Prices on new re-issues are also not falling. Yes, junk is cheap; it always was. In fact, my experience made me take a second look at the value of my LP collection; I could not or would not afford to buy it back if I did not already own it.


I have no doubt we have different standards :) and I sure can appreciate your taste, collection and budget. 

Yes, I shop at goodwill,, ebay, discogs, used record stores in very ethnic neighborhoods with thick metal bars on the windows. Yes, it can be/will be junk. But my 10 best sounding records were ALL under $10. And I have a pile of records I thought I could sell for 15-30-50 bucks, based on "market value" - not a single offer 


You got me all wrong. I’m no LP snob. I just don’t buy records in less than mint physical condition. That means no LPs from Goodwill or yard sales have ever qualified. At CAF I bought a dozen used LPs from a trusted vendor at $10 each, all mint. And he marked them down to $5 each. But while there, I saw, for example, that complete Mosaic sets, of which I have 9 or 10 accumulated over 30 years or so, were on sale from the same vendor, for $500 each.

Buying vinyl is way over my budget...

I dont listen to 500 albums merely ...

I like to explore...

Some albums i listened 1000 times, ( how is a vinyl state after few hundred listenings ? ) some others i like to listen to them few times...

But i like to own them , and i cannot afford a 20,000 bucks system with 10,000 albums... I must choose ... I had chosen a 1000 buks system speakers+headphones, TOP one for his price ...And i am happy and it is not a stopgap...

Now how do you keep 10,000 cd or vinyls ?

Answer : a room for them , it takes one wall of a small thirteen feet room for 2,500 cd or vinyl on each walls ...

Now i like books ...And i had more all my life than cds ...

Another room ....or two....

Where did i put my system ? In a dedicated acoustic room with no books nor my 10,000 albums for sure ...

Three rooms and i had no room here for my 2 children yet ...

I prefer lossless files...

My children are gone but even with a smaller house, i do not have anymore my past dedicated room ...

I ggo down to 500 paper books ... But all my cd were transfered on files all along the last 20 years...

Happily ...

Because i dont have the space now in a small house for two ...

And now imagine the cost of a competite vinyl system ?

In low cost system digital beat easily vinyl...

In high end if i listen mike lavigne and i listen to him because i trust him , vinyl is better ...

i will stay with a low cost completely satisfying system ...😁😊 With no frustration because trust me it sound minimally very satisfying ...

But there is no truth here, we have all our needs ...