Hearing problems and speaker upgrade

Like many 68 year olds I have developed hearing issues at the high end. My new hearing aids help in conversation but to me interfere with the sound of my system— highs are clearer maybe but sharp and shrill (plus it just makes sense to me that the hearing aid speakers aren’t as high quality as the speakers/system I’ve put together over the years). So I remove hearing aids when listening. So I’m wondering… is it worth it to upgrade my 40-year-old speakers? Will better speakers help get me back closer to what I was hearing before? Should I just accept the change in sound and adjust to it? Any insights appreciated! Thanks 


I've worn hearing aids for 20 years or so, and even though I may not hear my gear as well as some other people, I can still tell plenty of relative differences between components, including speakers. Just bought a very pricey pair of 'bookshelves' a few months ago, in fact, and it's the best sound I've ever had in my room....

Are you using open dome or closed dome hearing aids.  Depending on the degree and type of hearing loss you have, the open dome ear piece, along with a hearing aid that has a separate programable "music" setting, can help you dial in the frequencies you need to boost without causing the shrill spikes or distortions.  The open dome allows natural sound coming from the speakers to still enter your ears, while getting a slight boost at the necessary frequencies. It takes a number of trips to the audiologist to get settings dialed in right.

Again, it might vary depending on the type of loss you have.  I have hearing loss only in one side, and no amount of speaker balance adjustment or EQ can solve my situation as well as an aid.

You need hearing aids with a hifi music setting.  Costco sells them. they are excellent.  Not quite like being 25 again but close.

Your hearing aids are focused on speach and eliminate "noise" including music.  A hearing aid with hifi music setting lets in all the frequencies and adjusts for your ears to flatten the curve.
