Help - new house - new setup?

I have just moved house and the new room is about 20x18 with 28 foot ceilings and glass/openings on 2 of the walls.

My system was CAT SL1 with spectron musician amp playing through VS VR4jrs. Front end Michell Orbe and Oppo 105.

I went all HT and got Halo A51 and JC1 monos with a Marantz 8802.

I was expecting a big improvement but the sound is lost in this room and sounds poor.

Someone suggested JL audio fathom to take the weight off the VR4rs so I got a 212 which has improved bass substantially but SPLs are still weak.

I feel I need to upgrade the JR4s and would like to spend up to 10k on some new speakers or Albert is advocating 5k to upgrade the JR4s.

Any suggestions would be most welcome as I live in the sticks and my nearest decent dealer is 250 miles away.

I am considering ML Montis/Summit, Revel Salon, Wilson Sophia 3, Thiel cs 3.7 and Legacy Whispers among others.

My main concern is having a speaker that will give the SPL level necessary for this room.
I agree with Zd and RW.

Your home theater processor isn't doing the sound any favors. However, nothing short of something the size of a Wilson Grand Slamm is going to fill a room with 28' ceilings. That is your real culprit.

The ceiling may not be that bad. Is the room like a big box, or is the ceiling sloped?
The ceiling is flat.

It is basically an open floor above the living room and also has a balcony room adjacent to that open space so it is a double whammy.

I cant put ceiling traps in because there are two large fans hanging from the ceiling.

I have 400wpc running at 70%+ at the moment.
So your room has the same floor dimensions as my living room but the ceiling is three times higher? Hmmmm...
For more bass reinforcement, try a Martin-Logan Descent sub.
For more speaker SPLs (and bass) try an Eggelstonworks Andra III.
Although I hear the Wilson Sophia can play cleanly at insane levels.
What about Wilson WP 7's there are three pair here for sale ? They are well under your 10k limit, can play at high db levels and leave money for a sub/subs to help load the room if needed.