XLR cables for a reasonable price?

I've seen lots of threads where it is stated that balanced components are "insensitive" to cables.  Does this mean that spending a lot of money on XLR cables is probably unnecessary, as it offers no sonic benefit over cheaper XLR cables?

I would like some recommendations on reasonably priced XLR cables that give excellent sonic performance.  Thanks for your replies.


What you seem to be implying is that the internal wiring in a balanced amplifier, or preamp is not important either.

@tonywinga If this comment is directed at me, no, I did not imply that at all! The quality needed internally is very dependent on how the internal circuitry works.

... there are only three ways to do it and they all cost money. One way is to use an output transformer, another way is the way we do it, which we patented. Most high end companies don’t like paying patent fees solely on ego (’not invented here’). There’s an integrated circuit that does the job as well, but many tube preamp producers are loathe to put something like that at the output of their preamp.

And then there's the fourth way, which I think may be the most common: use an operational amplifier. ("Op-amp.") They can be fully discrete, and seem to be the approach used by many, such as ARC, for example.

I agree with you that internal components are critical but I posit that the external components, such as cables are also important.  

I recall a discussion in the 90s about speaker cables.  The question was most speakers used cheap, thin wire internally to the drivers as well as fairly inexpensive components in the crossovers.  So what was the point of buying expensive speaker cables?

That led me to rewire my fairly expensive speakers at the time.  I rewired them with Monster Cable (the good stuff and boy did it solder easily- thick wire made up of hair sized strands) and used some small film caps as bypass caps on the electrolytics.  It improved the sound some- but not as much as good speaker cables, as I recall.  I don't understand how or why that is.

One question- and it is a valid one is what balanced cables do professional recording use on their microphones?  Is it basic XLR cabling?  That's what many on this forum say.  Studios do not spring for high dollar cabling.  On the other hand, what do some audiophile studios such as David Wilson, Reference Recordings or Chesky Records, etc use?  I have some of those records and they sound really good.

Just tried the Mogami Neglex 2534 Balanced Cables that you can buy on Amazon for under $100 terminated with nice Neutrik XLR's. They come in various lengths for not much money.

They are a very nice cable.

I have used both Mogami and Canare Cables for both interconnects (RCA and XLR) and Canare for speaker cables especially their 4S11's in a biwired configueration.

I saw this thread a couple of days ago and didn't have anything to add since I make most of my own cables.  

I just bought a streamer that needed an AES/EBU cable.  I wanted silver plated for digital and so I ordered cable and connectors from DH labs.  made the cable up and was very impressed, not just with the quality of the cable as I assembled it but also with the obvious improvement in sound quality.

I decided to search the forum here for DH Labs and found page after page of positive comments, going all the way back to 2000.  I don't know when Audiogon started but probably not much before then.  Very solid and consistent praise.  

I will also add that the people at DH Labs were great to deal with.

Looks like the Silver Pulse cable is a bit more than $100 a pair ($180) but think they will compete favorably with cables much more expensive.  
