What do/did you do for a living?

With the increasingly high priced items people own and are selling, I'm curious about the line of work people do or have done. I thought my $5k integrated was a massive investment, but seeing users searching for $100k speakers or $75k SET amplifiers has me curious about the varying lines of work people do to afford these items. 


could you pls pm me with your porsche repair shop info, my good friend, fellow porsche gt car owner and track buddy is moving from san fran back to boston, i think he would benefit from being acquainted with your shop



you know the rule in showbiz, we need pictures or screen captures, or it never happened... 🤣



118 posts


Associate Dean at a top-tier research university.  

3 year update: uh, still an Associate Dean, but now at an Ivy.  I suppose this is progress of a sort.