Interesting videos about sounds and music

I thyought it would be an  interesting thread idea to put together any interesting videos about sound and music ...

No songs or music videos please... Only documentary one short or long...



Wow! this interest me a lot... I dont think that i am alone who will listen to this one...



Found the video about the most complexed instrument


Çifteli: This microtonal instrument changed the way I think about music

Amazing documentary about music and a forgotten instrument

Why and how we listen and hear with our whole body :

The ecology of listening | Paul Oomen

This is a very short but important lesson about sounds ...

I recommend this unusual book about a legendary movie editor and his ideas about the solar system... Is the solar system more "organized" than we think ?


Here an article resuming it all ...

Here a 2 hours interview:

For those who think that the universe has nothing to do with sound , here two serious articles to read :


Sound is no less fundamental than light, and as said St. John : in the beginning is the logos, ( the verb, the sound , the voice )

or in english translation :

"1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"


Audiophiles underestimate acoustic.... Physicist too.... Neurologists? But Mystics and poets and musicians  not at all...