wadia ipod dock-- anyone find faults?

see good things but also see resales after short use. anyone care to comment on weaknesses?

I did record my lossless files with error correction.

Have you tried the comparison between lossless and wav yourself?

There are 3 of us here in Minneapolis that have all tried the same test and all of us came out with the same results. With 2 different systems.

80 cds @ 500mb per cd could be stored on a 40gb ipod. Have found that they average about 400mb per cd or 400 cds on 160gb ipod.
I have 40gb of music on my ipod and doubt I will ever fill it. And yes they are Wave files.
The difference in soumd will be in the digital to audio conversion and outputs used. I have three types of outputs-analog, tube and opamps. Each sounds slightly different but the differences stem from the output not the input.
Take a few minutes and record some wav files onto your ipod. Do an A / B / A comparison between them and your lossless and let us know if you get the same results that I did.
I did do this Kmelancon. When I first recieved my iPod, I read many comments online about it, and then tried it for myself. I did Apple Lossless, .wav and .aiff; I spent some time playing these over and over and over and I could not distinguish any difference between them. (Knowing more now, I do not I think I should.)

I take comfort in the fact that people smarter than I have also concluded the same. I cannot understand why you have different results.

Here are some comments I posted on another thread about why Apple Lossless is just that, "lossless", if I understand it correctly.
Kmelancon asked:


Have you tried the comparison between lossless and wav yourself?"

No, I only compared the original CD to lossless, using the iPod G160 as the transport and my Playback Designs MPS-5 as the DAC. For CD I used the Playback Designs. I couldn't distinguish between the original CD and the lossless files.

In your tests, did you use the same DAC? Which DAC did you use?

hey guys, I had to chime in , I was there for the a-b-a
shoot out at kmelancons and with the gear on hand it was not even close ! I know how people like to exaggerate for effect when discribing what they hear, but the cd had more space , air and presence compared to the wadia, the wadia
seemed to round everything off , this effect was real and very apparent to us, it was not subtle ! maybe with lesser gear it would not be an issue. the idea that the wadia is better than cd sound is a joke. chrissain