How Much Do Aesthetics Factor Into Your Decisions?

Right or wrong, I have always taken what a component looks like into consideration when making a purchase. I like my components to look good.

Much like when I buy clothes. Fit, comfort and construction are important, but clothing also has to make you feel good when you wear it.

How do you feel about it.

Do you want everything to have a certain synergy of appearance, or are you okay wearing brown shoes with a tuxedo? So to speak.


I purchased each piece of my gear based on lots of research, my ability to afford it and each piece just happens to look good. I never really considered aesthetics.

Sometimes, good looks can earn a product more respect than it deserves. Some of the Japanese receivers from the 70's commanded a lot of respect due to their good looks. The sound was FAR from great though. IMHO


WAF  rules in my house so I had a special hardwood cabinet made to house all of my equipment including 2 turntables, 2 monoblock Classe amps and all sorts of other electronic components. When not listening to music, the cabinet remains shut and being a nice piece of cherry wood furniture, adds a complement to my living room. However changing cables is a real pain(I didn't think about this when I had the cabinet designed!!!!)

Me never. Sound is all that matters.  Now having said that, I kicked the old lady out a couple years ago, so I no longer have to worry about WAF.