Why Do You Listen? A Poll Question



Type MUSIC if

I love music and don’t care about Audio Quality. I’m a lover of music.


Type SOUND if

If it does'nt sound great I’m just not interested. I’m a lover of high quality sound.



Audiogon. We need a Polling App for the forum.




Type FFS if you think people start threads just to see their name in writing.

I don’t understand why you present this as an "either/or" polarity.

It’s not.

And why the urgency re: polling?

^^ this

to pose this as a choice is entirely nonsensical and misses the point of this pursuit/passion

I take exception with your first hypothesis.  Why would anyone "choose" to listen to bad audio quality?  


If I see something online I disapprove of but others seem to enjoy.....I just go somewhere else. I don't try to COP people in the pursuit of controlling what they talk about, but different strokes I guess.



"I take exception with your first hypothesis.  Why would anyone "choose" to listen to bad audio quality?  "

people in the original thread stated that is exactly what they do, and that they don't mind as long as the hear music. That's really the point of the question. At least two stated they did, so I figured..."How random is that?"