Policy changes at The Music Room TMR Audio

TMR has made a few changes to their policies which may interest folks.

Warranties for used gear is now 90 rather than 45 days.

Trial period is now 30 rather than 14 days.

There is now a restocking fee of 5%. Their rationale for this makes sense and seems reasonable. It would be nice if there could be exceptions to the restocking fee, such as cables and other products which don't need extensive checking for quality control. One result of this policy is that there is some more costly gear I would have tried but now am reluctant. I suppose that’s just a personal admission. 



Well I gues I'm the exception to the "TMR is great" chorus. $1400 later, I'll omit the details.

the policy changes seem imminently reasonable to me... tmr is a good outfit, always had good dealings with them

I think the new policy is fair. Lalitk agree new 5% for new, and used 2%, if you are serious in buying yes get the guy who can make a deal.TMR is a legit place to buy.

Post removed 

Thanks for the feedback. People are divided, with a majority (so far) thinking it’s reasonable as a policy. Of course, this is not a scientific sample and TMR needs to do this for the reasons they stated.

As I said, I’m mostly interested in possible exceptions.

Let’s say you want to try these $19k cables. You wind up not liking them after hooking them up once and trying them for a couple weeks. This policy would have you pay $960 to do that. I guess anyone buying cables this expensive has a lot of money laying around.

Would it be fair to assume they’re ok with spending nearly $1k to try these cables for up to a month? My instinct is they would not be ok with that, but others here are saying that the 5% policy is reasonable, so I guess I may be wrong about that!