Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters Ruins the Song ‘Money’!


I don’t understand how such a bold proclamation of,
(original author) ruins (own song by merely releasing a new version 50 years later)”,
could possibly be supported by appending a video of some unknown dude sitting on the floor, weirdly singing a completely unrelated song off-pitch, making lazily specious claims (‘bolstered’ by cheap, unsightly graphics), which ends with said unknown dude shown weirdly strumming acoustic guitar on a stool, outside, with acoustic guitar music he’s clearly not playing edited into the audio track.

Bob Dylan has always butchered his songs, it’s his swan song. But I like his music, and I think Modern Times is awesome, butchering and all. Sounds good on my stareo… that’s how we say it here!

Definitely an enjoyable thread as so many points of view. I love Pink Floyd taking my 10-year-old son to see Britt Floyd tomorrow night now there’s a reputable cover band the original known dark side of the moon was engineered by Alan parsons. He did a fantastic job and I love Pink Floyd however Roger Waters is a narcissist, unfortunately, like the one person on here noticed, and although he has an entertainment value when I listen to his interviews, he’s definitely fanatical and doesn’t Bring much insight to the table I’ve known of a few older, white men that left his concert, not enjoying his soapbox rants & musically, David Gilmour is more my speed. Now in other news, I think everyone should take a minute to honor Randy Meisner’s contribution to the Eagles.

Waters is a brilliant musical talent.  He is certainly flawed as a person but Amused To Death is a masterpiece.