high end single box cdp's for redbook quality only

single box cdp's: redbook presentation only, other features are not my consideration.

esoteric x01-d2
wadia 781i
dcs puccini

requesting opinions from those who own or have auditioned at length any 2 of these 3 players in fully balanced mode.
pls do not shy from details of sonic differences, strengths / weaknesses in the range extremes,issues of top to btm fluidity, transparency, micro detail, forward vs laid back, btm end resolution, top end fullness, etc. all comments welcome provided they are based on your personal listening experience. i listen to a wide range of classical music, acoustic instruments, no electronica.

not interested in a/b with: wadia 581 models, esoteric x01 models other than the d2, arc cd7, emm, accuphase, meridian.

it is very helpful if you have your system posted or advise it. obviously, every system will benefit from a cdp that works to a system's strengths and lessens the system's weaknesses.

thanks kindly.
have been advised that the redbook of the D2 isnt significantly different sonically than the redbook of the x01-ltd/le, but that the great improvement is to the sacd presentaton. i will check this directly with esoteric. anyone do an a/b? also, does the esoteric present more naturally in balanced mode or single ended?
The Cary 303/300 offers unusual flexibility:

Adjustable (including zero) oversampling and switchable tube and ss output sections. Not necessarily the assault on the SOTA that some other players are, but a very good choice for a broad range of tastes.

Good Luck,

bar81: thanks for the confirmation.

martykl: the cary 303/300 does offer flexibility but isnt at the level of presentation i am seeking!also, the cary has a distinctly colored presentation.