Front or Back wall diffusers

Front or back wall diffusers, I have a 14' x 24' x 8' stereo audio room with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers. I want to know which wall to place it on. I have seen many photos with diffusers on the front wall, this is the most recommended, but I have doubts. Please some suggestions.


Talk to GIK.  They’ll give you some good advice given your room and offer products that are relatively reasonably priced. 

IME GIK has great products that I purchase....but their advice has been the same as other pro-audio panel makers...and thus bad for hi-fi....which is to load the room with absorption and create a dead room with low reflections....making the room sound smaller and closed in.

With hi-fi, you don't generally want to absorb the first sidewall reflection unless your speaker is very close to the sidewall...this was first discovered by Floyd Toole during the Harmon listening tests that determined preferences. 

@seanheis1 @axo0oxa I’m seeing several people here advocating for diffusion over absorption.  Are there any general rules as to when/where it’s better to use diffusion or absorption?  I’m very interested and not clear on this at all.  My guess is it’s largely room, system, and personal-taste dependent, but just wondering if there are any generally accepted rules on this.  Also surprised someone argued against bass traps that I’d never heard before and had me scratching my head a bit.  Thanks for any thoughts and/or hard-won personal experience. 

It is recommended that the wall behind the speakers be reflective in nature, so that the sound develops properly. 

The wall behind the speakers is a distant reflection for most frequencies with box speakers...especially if you have a long it's generally a lower priority...but diffusion on that wall will create the illusion of more depth and space...which is a cool hi-fi trick. 

Leaving the wall behind the speakers reflective as an optimal strategy? It could be a personal preference but acoustical engineers will tell you to at least break up or scatter large reflective addition bass traps behind the speakers can help with SBIR.  


Diffusers at first reflections on side walls and ceiling. Also wall behind listening position.   This works for my Sashas 

@seanheis1 @axo0oxa I’m seeing several people here advocating for diffusion over absorption.  Are there any general rules as to when/where it’s better to use diffusion or absorption?  I’m very interested and not clear on this at all.  My guess is it’s largely room, system, and personal-taste dependent, but just wondering if there are any generally accepted rules on this.  Also surprised someone argued against bass traps that I’d never heard before and had me scratching my head a bit.  Thanks for any thoughts and/or hard-won personal experience. 

General rules? You asked ;-)

1. Leave the first sidewall reflection untreated or diffuse it. 

2. Don't create a row of just absorbers or just diffusers. Leave space between treatments. 

3. Rotate between diffusers and absorbers every other or use hybrid treatments. GIK has scatter plates that go on top of absorbers.

4. If you have a wall right behind your head use a 2 inch absorber there.

5. If you want your room to sound hi-end, diffusers with deep wells is the secret.

6. Scatter plates will preserve precious high frequency energy and help prevent dead room effect, but they aren't a replacement for diffusers with deep wells that diffused midrange frequencies. 

7. The strongest reflection in most rooms is the reflection that pings behind your listening position and then to the front wall...and it will keep doing laps so you need to either diffuse or absorb it. 

8. The best bass trap is free. It's the air gap behind a bass trap which should ideally be the same as the thickness of the bass trap. 

9. The only full range bass trap I know of is an open window or possibly an open door (depending on what's on other side of door). I'm lucky to have a door behind my listening position so I keep it open and my room sounds so much more open and the bass more even compared to when I close the door. 

10. Argument against bass traps? Bass boom can be fun...when the room is excited and ringing it can be thrilling...especially if you're a teenager. ;-)