Xangsane XS-1001Ag silver coax SPDIF cable

I recently purchased a second hand Gustard X26 Pro DAC.

I was a bit disappointed with the sound from the sPDIF input; imprecise, splashy treble, not enough resolution.

I was using a Canare coaxial cable. Supposed to be "True 75Ohms and industry standard".

I decided to order this Xangsane pure silver coax cable, it arrived a couple of days ago. All I can say is WOW. Much more precision and transparency. Fabulous, wide and open image. Sometimes still a tiny bit "restrained" (?) in bass dynamics but the cable is new and pure silver + teflon is going to need some break in time.

But with this cable I’m finally able to hear what the X26 Pro is capable of!


@thyname : someone grounded in Reality has to respond to the wild claims made by the cable believers. Wire does not change sonically whether you freeze it, run a million volts through it or lay it out in the moonlight. To believe otherwise is to deny science and engage in magical thinking!

I stated in the first post here - now removed - that the OP did not follow a rigorous test protocol to be really certain that the improvements he claimed to hear were real or imaginary. Obviously I offended him and he had my post removed.

Jason Bourne @jasonbourne71  @jasonbourne52 :

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@thyname : someone grounded in Reality has to respond to the wild claims made by the cable believers. Wire does not change sonically whether you freeze it, run a million volts through it or lay it out in the moonlight. To believe otherwise is to deny science and engage in magical thinking!

So you have made your life goal to spam every single cable thread in this forum in an attempt to shut down every single discussion on cables?


I stated in the first post here - now removed - that the OP did not follow a rigorous test protocol to be really certain that the improvements he claimed to hear were real or imaginary.

How dare he have the audacity to use and trust his own ears rather than take your approach and just bury his head in the sand in complete denial.  Give it a rest man — it’s getting way old and you’re not swaying anyone here anyway.  Sheesh.