Effects Of Power Cords On Electrostatic Speakers

Several weeks ago I took delivery of a pair of Martin Logan CLX ART speakers. I hooked them up with the supplied power cords from the seller. The sound was pretty underwhelming, so I let them settle in. After about 4 days the sound had not changed significantly. I decided to rob a pair of PI Audio power cords from my phono stages and put them on the CLX. Signicant change and was getting the sound I expected. 

The question I ask myself is why? This is a low current power supply that just feeds the stators. 

If it is indeed significant, and it seems to be, what level of cord is going to meet the needs? No reason to spend more than I have to. 


Looking forward to reading your thoughts or experiences. 


I use ordinary zip cord to charge my KLH Nine full-range ESL’s. Same for my Quad 57’s. The argument that "everything matters" in audio is just plain BS!

Peter Walker's discovery of the million ohm charging resistor was the breakthrough that made ESL speakers possible! Since ESL's draw so little AC current even a 22 gauge cord will work fine!

Hello guys, I have owned ALL quad ESL speakers and now I own Sound Lab A645. While the difference is not huge, power cables do matter. So... anyone that says it's a BS, shall upgrade other elements in his system, as the difference realy came into focus when all other components of your system are sufficently resolving. You do not have to purchase particularly expensive power cables, but I strongly recommend to test at least a couple of good audiophile-grade power cables. One of my clients is using Fadel Art "Coherence Cables" that are known to work extremely well with electrostats. Mr. Fadel was obsessed with ESL speakers, and was a big admirer of Roger West's work. This cable provides a phenomenally deep soundstage. I use custom built cables made by Mr. Hai from Paris (those are cheaper and to my ear even better sounding). I would recommend any cable that works on Faraday's cage principle. For exemple in France we have WhyNot cables that use that principle, but I'm sure you will find simmilar cables in USA as well. Everything matters, less or more, but that's how audiophile world works. And by the way, your ESL speakers need OTL amplfiers to give their best, as you already know.

@bellemusique -1! OTL tube amps like my Julius Futterman H3aa's are uncomfortable with speaker loads below 8 ohms. ESL speakers drop to 2 ohms or less at high frequencies. OTL amps lose power and are stressed by such low impedances. So not recommended, though they are fine with the capacitive load of ESL's.