Quick Question About Power Cables

Hi All,

I recently bought a Bryston BDP 3 streamer/renderer and love how refined and relaxed it sounds. I would like it more if the bass was a bit more controlled and had a little more impact. A friend and Audiogon member suggested I try an Audio Sensability Statement Power Cable. He bought one for his tube DAC and said the bass got tighter an offered better slam. Anyway, for those who are PC savy, what are your thoughts on the matter? Thanks!




783 posts


Here we go again.

For what it is worth, imo power chords don't do much, if anything.

I disagree. Have you tried playing your stereo after pulling every single power cord out?





While it depends on the quality of your components, for highly resolving / high end audio components / systems power cords make a marked difference in system performace. As in you can hear a very important improvement with the right cords. An appropriate amp power cord will generally make the biggest difference, but they also make an important contribution to other components.



I have tried them. I trust my ears, which hear negligible improvement, if any, it might just be the placebo effect of justifying spending so much money and the cost/benefit ratio just does not justify it: I’ll sooner donate the $s to climate refugees.

I will also never be inclined to waste my money on overpriced cables when I have a home audio engineer telling me that my system already sounds better than any he has heard save one, and that system cost $160,000. I spent $30,000.


Maybe you can try 2 returnable PCs to try on each of your electronically components to hear/understand the impact in “your” audio chain.

OP, I wouldn't go with Hurricane (too steep a loss in treble but I assume you know that) or Cardas Clear (too fuzzy, from choke I presume). I've heard Clear Beyond XL is better and it shoudl be. I agree amp has most effect, but my Aries is affected by PCs about as much as my DDC which is < DAC < amp. Since you say it was the Bryston that caused this change in sound, then I think fuse and PC are good to try. You can swap out one of your better cords elsewhere and then swap that onto the Bryston just to see for yourself what changes they would make with the streamer. Any decent repair place could replace the fuse for you, but would void any warranty. The newer v2 Shunyayta's might be good, and I was looking at Kubala, Audience, RSX and GR Research's 2 PC options which are also money back. I have an older The Statement PC too, and use it on my sub. It's better than stock or cheap PCs and has a nice tonal balance but it's downside is resolution. A little fuzzy but not as fuzzy as Cardas Clear. Hope this helps. Ignore the the Objectivists unless you want to encourage another debate on cables here. :)