Sony X55-ES CD player... thoughts?

Hey guys - I just picked one of these up on the cheap (1$). Hooked it up, sounded almost as good as my Arcam Alpha 7 CD, with stronger bass, but weaker sounding mids. Does anyone know anything about this CD player? It is very, very heavy...


I would hope the Naim would be incomparable! It is the X55es (not the 555 or X55). I could not find any info real info on the internet, other than the fact that it has a heavy copper chassis.
Hi There!

Spend a little bit more, find a X77ES. You will be amazed. This is a real shorcut to high end for a small money.
It beats Krell Kav250i.


XA5400ES, perhaps?

(N.B.: It is likely an error in the Sony information that described it as a changer.)

The X77ES has the same drive like the legendary R1 or R3, full metal basis, a very precise reader. Also with an excellent DA with even balanced output. Alos there is an option for optical and SDPIF output.

The new 5400ES, its brand new dech, I don't know the sound, but if it has the same DAC like my DVP-NS9100ES what I tested against the X77 at my home, I can tell you the 5400ES won't have a chance.


As Dan Modwright if there is modification for this unit.
You will be surprise,How good this unit will sound.I have
my 9000es modified,never look back.