Fair price for used Vandersteen 3a Signatures

Curius if anyone has an opinion on what a pair of excellent condition Vandersteen 3a Signatures should run? The 3a Signatures have had some price hikes over th years while retaining the same branding/labeling.   Different from the model 2's which seem to have a branding update to signify component upgrades and pricing increases.



Many moons ago I was a happy Vandersteen owner ( 10 years). I owned the 2CE and the 2CEi. When I upgraded to the larger 3A I found it to be a big mistake and I sold them within a year. Vandersteen placement is very critical and I could never get the 3As to sing! IMO, you should go with the new 2CE signatures!!

Thank you for the advice on room size, positioning, and placement.  I did some research last night and think I'm going to hold off for now.  I used to have a pair of 2Ce signatures that were lost in a divorce settlement.  Here is a bit of advice.  Get your significant other to accept your hobby, not join in on it 😃

My current home probably isn't a good fit for Vandersteen's.   I have an older pair of Paradigm Studio 100 V2 that I use in the living room.  I'll probably stay with those for now until I get a new place.  I also have a pair of Triangle Celius 202's I could try, but I would need to augment them with a subwoofer.  I like my low end which is how I was justifying picking up a pair of 3a's.  (why spend $2K on a sub when I can just get a full range speaker that does the job).

The pricing (sub $1k) referred earlier is for 3A, which was in production ’95-’01. A used pair of a 3A Signature (in production after ’01) I have seen is around $1500 with the stand. Compared to how crazy the new one charges, it is a no brainer IF you like the sound, i.e., laidback/relaxed mid/treble and powerful bass IF well controlled. However, if you like more articulated high with more focused image, think twice. These speakers including 2Ce do like big juice though to reveal the potential of its bass based on what I have auditioned before.  Richard also suggests that in an email.

@mustangjeff ,

If I were you, I would look into getting the Treo or Quatro (non-CT) used.

You'll get a more refined speaker that will work in almost any space. The key to Vandy's is the set up. You have to follow the directions in the manual in order to get them to sound right. 

Bass isn't an issue on the Treo unless you want/need thumping bass. And, you can always add a Vandy sub later, which has the added benefit of reducing the load on your amp, allowing it to perform better, too.

I owned the 3 a sigs, but got the Treo's and I can attest to the increased refinement of sound. 

PM me if interested, I know a pair for sale.


$2500 is the number - condition is everything and for a good clean one owner set, that's the price. Worth every penny of that too... just my opinion.