What to do with my legacy CD collection?

I am about to dive head first into Hi-Res Digital Audio streaming.  My current situation is complex, though.

I have 6,000 cds in my collection.  I am beginning a project to rip my favorites ~ 2,000 cds, which are mostly special editions, rare and collectible, to FLAC files and play them on my Innuos Zenith mk3 server and Qutest Dac using an ipad and Innuos Sense app as my UI.  

The whole rig will be backed up to a  2 drive Synology Nas using RAID 1 plus an icloud back-up.  

I will keep these as many are Mofi Gold, DCC gold, SACDs, DVD-Audio Disks in 5.1 surround, HDCD encoded, etc., to occaisionally play them on my Oppo 105 universal player where they sound marvelous.

That leaves me with 4,000 CDs leftover.  Most of them can be Hi-Res streamed via Quobuz or Tidal, both of which are native to my Innuos server.

Some of these are in original jewel cases (about 1,500) that I will sort through and keep, sell (haha), donate or toss.  

The remaing 2,500 are in binders without artwork.  I really don't know what to do with this group: keep as back-ups or toss.  Any suggestions?

I would appreciate any opinions or feedback on my plan, so far.


Ag insider logo xs@2xdrlou77

I would put them in a pile (s) and pick them up one at a time. Those that make you feel happy keep and rip. Those that don't really connect pass on to someone else. Who has time to listen to 6000 CD's? Just keep the ones that move you, rip them, and keep the physical media as backups or sell them (ebay/agon/or pawnshop)

I had a similar problem, although it only totaled about 100 CD's. After I made sure I had two compete HD backups, including one in fireproof file cabinet, best bet is to give them away locally. I gave mine away to folks who were more interested in the music then the jewel cases/artwork. I would suggest putting them on a local app like Nextdoor/Craigslist. If you really want to get money for them, you can try setting up a table at a flea market, or hold a garage sale (but you'll get a buck or two for them and not sell them all). Last post them as a collection on sites like this, since there are plenty of folks who will burn them. I know I would if the price was just to cover the shipping and packaging. 

Not everyone has streaming and many just like spinning CD's even now and owning the music. Hope this helps a little.

I buy music CD’s all the time, new and used and for me the big problem with buying collections is

1) What to do with copies of the titles you already own

2) What to do with said copies if there is no jewel case/artwork

3) Can the collection be broken down by genre or does it have to taken as a whole

4) Where is the collection and is it worth the shipping cost

5) Is the price realistic for what is being offered 

Some people are very diligent with their collections and go as far as to catalog each title via Discogs or on spreadsheets. I think in your case you would have very good luck selling the Mofi, SACD and HDCD titles separately or grouped by artist as there seems to be demand for these amongst collectors when the price is right.

As for CD’s with jewel cases/artwork there is some value there but it doesn’t seem to ever equate to large amounts when considering the price per unit. Some local stores in my area will pay (when they pay) as little as $0.50 and up to $2.00 depending on the disk but most of the time you’ll see a larger amount working it as trade in value/credit.

The discs without jewels or sleeves/booklets are pretty much worthless when it comes to in store trade’s although some folks who don’t care may be interested in buying for a much lower price.

IME with rippers/servers and discs I would say please keep the discs that are important to you even after ripping/backing up. Even with multiple drives things can go wrong and at this point you already own the media so unless you just don’t want it around the only penalty is storage.

Streaming is nice but I still prefer discs! Be confident when selling/purging that you won’t want to repurchase if you change your mind at a later point.

Hope some/any or all of this helps and like I said I’m always looking for music. If you’d like to send me a note describing what you have I’d be interested.

Hi I’m looking for obscure CDs:

Electronic, Ambient, Dub, German Standard, Japanese Funk. If you have any of those, please IM me.

Format does NOT matter. Artists only