Will an outside DAC over ride the tubes

I have a tubed output cd player and was getting restless to by something new. I was wondering if I purchased an external DAC, will this override the tube in my cd player?
hi restock:

i have a vincent cd s6. i can remove the output tubes when the cd player is used as a transport.
Do you dislike the sound you are getting with the unit? You could get a tube DAC.
Thanks for all the input, it is not that I dislike it I just wanted to try something new. I have the stock tube in the cayin and it sounds like I will just upgrade the tube. How much do I have to spend to get something with a noticeable change. I am thinking about 60 to 80 dollars, is this a reasonable cost????

And hey Ghostrider45, are you a RUSH fan?
Here's a site that details some of the various flavors that can be experienced with different 12AU7 family tubes: (https://www.tubeworld.com/12au7.htm) My own choice would be the Siemens E82CC(Spec. Qual., triple mica) or Telefunken ECC802S, both known for their lack of coloration/microphonics/noise.