What happened to those dreaded 1099 forms we were going to receive from Paypal?

So, who received a 1099 form from Paypal that everyone was dreading and caused so many to change how they would receive payment? I'm quite curious as I didn't receive one. Didn't know what topic to use so I chose the one with most traffic.

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If the goal were to track down scofflaws hiding retail then I am a bit surprised at this IRS plan. Was not aware that this even happened. Considering COGS for a business that was using such a platform to hide their efforts, and taking an average pretax pure profit after all expenses of 4.5% the targeted taxable profit would be $27 for the transaction in question. The cost of such collections, monitoring and documentation would outweigh the benefit. Not well thought out really from a business perspective.

Yes, we needed another "what happened to 1099-k forms" post.

I'm thinking about starting a thread on new speaker cables, perhaps I'll post it on the IRS site and ask there.