Origin Live Tonearms

Hi All,

I’m still modifying my Thorens TD 160 MK 1 and it will stay a dedicated mono table.   I’m not satisfied with the original TP-16 tonearm so I’m considering either the OL Silver or the Zephyr. I read somewhere that there is no sonic improvement between the two. Being dedicated to a mono cartridge, I can’t see moving too far up the chain since vertical tracking is a non factor. So if the Silver will achieve my goal, then I’d rather not spend the extra money on the Zephyr. I also see a number of used OL Silver tonearms on the used market. Any suggestions or insights are of course welcome.


@noromance In a free market economy that pretty much amounts to anything.

I'm getting the impression that the Silver is cheaply made, that the bearings are like those in the older SME tonearms? That the arm tube possibly resonates? Regardless the Zephyr and the Silver sound the same, it's rather confusing.

The OL arms are top tier—even the Silver will outperform most arms at much higher price points. Don’t sweat it between the two you are considering. More important is comparability with your table and cartridge. Make sure this is aligned and then go for either one.

@dodgealum I just need to use a Dremel tool to cut away enough to fit the mounting plate. Fortunately, I've got some virtual help with doing this. So I'm getting that you believe the Silver to be a well built tonearm despite the Zephyr being more so. Once my cartridge is mounted and the alarm is adjusted, it'll be left alone.

I’m just a simple guy with a simple LP 12. I’ve never used a mono cart. What I can tell you is, I had a Rega and it was “ok”. I just got my OL silver and the improvement is striking. I don’t know what deck you are using so I can’t tell you the difference in resolution you would experience between the two but in my opinion, if money is no object, go big. Can’t hurt.  If it is an object, don’t overthink it. Get the silver.

There are a ton of opinions on these forums and passions run high. I run audio stuff I’ve read online by my trusted audio savant because of his vast knowledge and because he’s been doing this most of his life. He runs a bespoke audio showroom along with his father.  Previously he tuned my LP 12 to perfection. Half the stuff I ask that I’ve seen online, he shoots down as nonsensical providing technical explanations. This guy flys around the world setting up $100k+ systems for wealthy clients. He said that my silver is a good arm. He knows my budget and has always been a straight shooter. I kind of trust him. Don’t let the online white noise create confusion. Don’t obsess.  Follow your heart. Enjoy the music 

Perhaps the Zephyr would be the better choice. Today it may only be used for mono recordings. A year from now, perhaps the tonearm will be used for Stereo recordings. Things change.....