High powered single end 300b recommendations

I would like to try a se 300b integrated to find out what the famed sound is like. However, at 86db, my Harbeth S-HL5 are not very efficient. They need more like 25-30W to drive them.


Any recommendations on an 300b amp that will work with these speakers? 

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I've seen as high as 28 watts in a push/pull 300B amp but the sound of a SET amp is at least as much that it's single ended than the tube choice. SET amps are high in second harmonics due a lot to their topology which compresses the negative half of the input relative to the positive side.

You might check out Manley. They have 300b mono’s you can switch between SE and push pull, 12 and 25 watts, respectively. They have a 300b pre, as well. 

If you want a high powered push pull 300b. Look at a canary  reference 8 300b s in each channel. They have smaller amps as well. Also look at the western  electric  new integrated  amplifier  is is single ended 300b s wired differently so the power doubles up. Both of those recommendations  are not for the faint of heart  nor the empty billfold.