Rose colored memories

I have former gear that I may remember as being better than they are/were.  Lg Advents, Dahlquist DQ 10 and others......and yours?


Oh, let's see....

Had a couple of Yamaha amps that were quite powerful, yet colored. Those were a good time.

A pair of Rogers Ls3/5a's. A classic, but I do wonder how'd they stack up to my current speakers....

I remember an old pair of Cerwin Vega speakers pretty fondly, though I have no doubt they'd sound like crap in my current system....


Ahhh, those were the days before I knew any better.


2 of my friends both had Large Advents driven by Sherwood receivers and with Dual 1229/Shure V15. Sounded great!

My large Advents were driven by a Marantz receiver until I switched to a NAD 3140 integrated amp. I was shocked how much better the Advents sounded and that started me on a long journey of constantly upgrading everything. I wish I knew then what I know now and had the money to buy better in bigger increments.