SUT - electrical theory and practical experience

Some vinyl users use a SUT to enhance the signal of the MC cartridge so that it can be used in the MM input of a phono stage.  Although I don't understand the theory behind it, I realize that a SUT should be matched individually to a particular cartridge, depending on the internal impedance of the MC, among other things.  

Assuming an appropriately / ideally matched SUT and MC, What are the inherent advantages or disadvantages of inserting a SUT after the MC in the audio chain?  Does the SUT theoretically enhance or degrade the sound quality?  What does the SUT actually do to the sound quality? 



Dear @lewm  : You have a misunderstood because was not holmz who has the source, was me who asked him to make measurements taking advantage that he bougth the CBS STR 112 test LP and he said: yes but you need to read carefully all the posts about to at least have the correct info before make a post.

You need to re-read where I posted about where the electret cartridge manufacturer did not gives all what you are asking for and with unknow IC cables SUT.

Was a serious manufacturer and seems to me trusty one but you ask information as if you were the customer that " paid " to the manufacturer to make the test under your " specs " and this just did not happened.


Dear @atmasphere : I think that with out an explanation your statement is a real attack directly to me:


" This entire post is rubbish and false, including the ad hominem attacks. "


Why " rubbish " ? why " false " ? and why personal " attacks " and to whom those supposed " attacks " ?





@rauliruegas I attacked your post and not you. There is a difference.

Your post contains false information. For example you claim to have presented ’proof’ on multiple occasions. At best you presented ’evidence’ which can be used to point at a proof but even so your evidence is sketchy.

Your comment about tubes is not reflected by people that spend plenty of time listening to real music in real music venues. It was an entirely made up story based on your own personal anecdote as best I can make out.

Your use of the word ’mediocrity’ has some kind of personal meaning attached to it. I can use the word in a similar fashion; for example I don’t care at all a phono stage is super quiet if the sound coming from it is irritating- it is mediocre regardless. Generalizations frequently result in false statements.

This comment is an attack on the integrity of another member and is thus ad hominem:

I never think to use the information you share about the RIAA deviation of your unit that as I said on the subject goes around mediocrity with that 0.66 db " fligth " in the RIAA that’s good for you because is your design but that’s a shame for a RIAA phono stage.

Being ad hominem it is a logical fallacy so false by definition.

Raul, I see now that it was you who posted the rise time data, which are based on your memory of something published by an electret cartridge maker who, from your memory, is said to have stated that his cartridge has a rise time of 2 microseconds, compared to 25 microseconds for an MM and 30 microseconds for an MC plus SUT.  Holmz may have the test LP and a 'scope, but so far I don't see where he posted data.  SOOOOO, why don't you post a reference to the source of the above data?  If you can find it.  Sure, there can be many reasons why the data are not a reflection of the rise time of an MC cartridge taken by itself, and I am also sure that every MC cartridge is different in that regard.  Finally, if we are only going on the basis of subjective impressions, I would say that as a whole (meaning all MI cartridges I have heard compared to all LOMC cartridges I have heard), MI cartridges sound "fastest", to me. I have no idea if actual measurements would substantiate my opinion.

I don't know any individual that is a Tube Lover.

I do know individuals who have come to the conclusion that a HiFi System with devices built with Tube Circuits have found a device that is deeply satisfying and is a preferred experience over other experiences.

This can be discovered through the use of an individual device such as a  Phonostage, DAC,  Pre-Amp', Power Amp'. It is also available through a combination of Valve devices used. In many cases the combination is produced as Hybrid, being SS and Valve Devices to produce the System.

Those who take seriously finding a presentation from a system, to be one that is totally satisfying and able to deliver to their unique preferences are willing to take steps to increase experiences of differing permutations of available equipment.

Very few do any Math whilst on this journey, they are use their senses and stimulation created to settle the outcome of a assessment.

I am fortunate to have still have an interest in Live Music and on many occasions, can be at a close proximity to a performance, never ever have I used this type of  encounter to make a decision on a Tube vs SS Circuitry as being the superior, even if a see a Valve Amp in use, along with SS Instrumental Equipment. Never ever have I heard this as requirement to make such a assessment.

I was out of this thread, but such a huge BS Statement is not of any value in this thread. 

If one wants to talk about a Bass Notes Impact at a Live Performance being quite different from a Bass Note Impact produced by a Home System, then there is plenty to 'chew the cud' about.