I have an idea for an audio product what should I do?

Without giving too much away it involves working with smaller digital amplifiers that are modified for a certain application. Should I contact an electrical engineer or someone in the business already who builds audio amplifier products or...?? I have zero experience myself with building any audio related products but I think the idea I have is intriguing. Thanks for any help!


Thanks for the detailed post Kenjit.

Construction will start tomorrow on one of my least used tennis courts (located far beyond the stables).



Kick starter works good sometimes 

It didn't get the battery powered ESL headphones off the ground.

I'm worried you may not know exactly what you are looking at. I assume when you say digital amp you mean a class D amp. But class D is not digital. It is analog. It is a form of encoding music wave forms into square waves but this is an analog encoding format, not at all digital.