Where does "MidFi" differ from "HiFi" or "LOFI"?

Given the vast range of product and costs thereof in this industry, I'm curious where the "break points" are between levels of fidelity?   Equipment can range from $100's to $100,000s+, so where is "MIDFI" vs. "HIFI"?

The ear hears from a range of 20-20,000HZ, but mid-range is certainly not at the 10,000HZ level. 

just curious what you all think.


As often the case i agree with  ghdprentice 's math and logic with respect to what is high end.   With each component in that price segment and above you should notice real improvements if you are moving up from. Decent mid fi gear. 

The first real Hi Fi piece I really ever owned was the Zesto Leto preamp.  That thing blew me away and set the future bar for performance across my system.   

High end is synonymous with Hi-Fi, but I’d like to think/hope that high fidelity isn’t compartmentalized just to the high end market. 

These are just marketing terms, the most egregious being "high end" - puffery for the moneyphiles to brag about. Musical appreciation and enjoyment doesn't require labeling!

@ghdprentice : so for you $30K for streamer, DAC, preamp, amp, speakers is the transition from mid-fi to hi-fi? And the next level up is $10K per component? You must be reading too many TAS/Stereophile articles and ads! See my post above!