HoloAudio STREAMER is out now

I've read lots of discussions about streamers, especially about how to get value for less than several thousand $$'s. The typical responses include Bluesound, Innuous, iFi, Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, and probably a couple others I'm missing. 

People LOVE the Holo Audio DAC's -- the May, the Spring, e.g. 

Now they have a streamer. It's less than $1k. I wonder if anyone has it or has compared it?



This is a combo DAC streamer

Jerry: what DAC? I don’t see any DAC built in the Holo Red

Reviews make it clear people love the screen

There is no screen I can see. Just the front plate. Are we looking at the same product? See OP


The comments surprise and remind me of the same negative sentiment when people first started inquiring about the May DAC. Fast forward to today and after demos of DAC upwards of $20k, the May sits in my rack. It's absolutely outstanding. I care about SQ and am still entertaining other streamers because nearly every streamer thread here mentions the Node being "beaten" by XYZ. So far the Node has been "good enough" with nothing being worth the price point delta. Part of this is due to the software that accompanies the "big dogs". It's flat out terrible. The Node software is pretty darn good. I have yet to experience a home demo where the difference is profound enough to open my wallet. The "jury" is a group of friends with six-figure systems and 20 more years in "the game", who are astounded by my little rig and have congratulated me on achieving something they are still chasing. I will definitely kick the tires on this one. The majority of listening is at night where I turn off all displays. I really don't care what something looks like, I want to sit and smile with the little time I get to do so. 

I also want to point out the first comment of "I don't even see USB in"... such comments can derail others who may otherwise be interested. It took me less than a minute of looking at photos from the OP's link to clearly see a USB-in port.

Color aside, the criticism is overblown. This is a DDC and Streamer so it will have appeal to people looking for both. It has USB input as well.

It's clearly a challenge to the Node universe and a new entry in the Streamer options. Personally, I'm curious about it and wouldn't mind having a test in my system. YMMV. 



Kind of surprised at how quickly some are posting to make basic mistakes or to rule out the unit.

It's $800 folks. It seems well positioned for consideration, at least.