How to match a Cartridge with the right phono preamp?

Hi there!

I have been trying to get some information about how to select the right phono preamp for a certain MC cartridge. I'm having a hard time trying to reference all the cartridge specs with the right phono preamp, I even try to watch a couple videos on how to match them but honestly I can't fully understand it lol. It's there an easy way to do it? What exactly I need to look for? I have an Ortofon Bronze with a Puffin preamp. I'm putting together a second vinyl record stereo system and I really want to give it a shot to MC cartridge! 


Thank you I'm advance! 




@erivera1990 I assume that you have the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, which is a 0.4mV output cartridge, as the Ortofon 2M Bronze is a MM cartridge. With your Puffin, I would try anything from 58-63dB in gain to see which adds the most dynamics without sounding like it’s overloading. Then, adjust the load to 200ohms listen, and compare to the 47kOhms and see which you like better. Start off with the EQ all all other settings disabled and flat and go from there. IME, I like my MC cartridges to be around 150-275 ohms, so the 200 might be too low, and the 47K may be too high. Your dissatisfaction may just be due to the limitations of your Puffin.

I find this calculator to be helpful in getting me to the right territory of settings, but I always experiment after to see which ones truly sound the best:

@blisshifi My bad I didn't specify, it's an Ortofon 2m bronze with a Puffin phono preamp. Thank you for your advice tho! I will check with kabusa. 

@elliottbnewcombjr Thank you for your advice, I'm probably going to save a little bit more money so I can buy something better, I have a rogue tube amplifier and I love it!