Amplifier for Wilson Audio Alexia V

Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions!

Getting a new pair of Alexia V in early 2023 and trying to decide on a new amplifier for them.  Currently running Mark Levinson 33H monoblocks but given their age I'm assuming a new amp would be a better fit.

I'm trying to scale back the size of my audio rack so a stereo amp is preferred or maybe even an integrated amp. 

This system is also used for my main living area TV/Movie watching so I'm worried tubes wouldn't last very long otherwise I would include Audio Research and others


Options Level 1 $10k-$30k

McIntosh MC462, MA12000, MA9500 - House sound and good re-sale value

Luxman M-10X, L-507Z - seem to be trending right now

Pass Labs XA30.8 (not enough power?), XA larger units are all monoblocks - Class A could be too revealing or harsh with Wilsons?

Gryphon Diablo 300 - don't know much


Options Level 2 $30k+

Dan D'Agostino Progression S350 or Momentum S250 MxV - very popular and assume would be the best or very close to the best sound if the budget allows

Lamm M1.2 (I use to see Lamm at all the shows) 

darTZeel CTH-8550 Integrated 

Boulder 1160, 2160 (probably over budget)


Thank you everyone!



We would recommend looking at a t+a pa 3000 power amplifier


The Pa300 sounds amazing on Wilsons the Pa3000 is a powerful 300-watt powerhouse that can provide ample current for the alexias


The pa 3000 is a remarkable solid-state amplifier that offers a clean high-resolution sound that uncovers all the details in your music but is also exceedingly musical.


The HV series was developed due to research done by T+a in uncovering why tube amplification is so musical and they discovered it was due to high voltage rails driving transistors to sound more linear and warmer.


the Pa 3000 offers a warm sounding midrange yet is fast and detailed and has excellent bass and dynamics


in addition, the amplifier is built to the highest standards of much more expensive gear:


the amp is built on an aluminum frame with sealed compartments which separate the amps input and output stages

the mains transformer is a work of art it is massive 2kv and is potted and shielded


another cool fact is the amplifiers performance can be easily upgraded by adding an external ps3000 power supply this box adds an even larger 2.2 kv transformer used to power the output stages of the amplifier while the internal power supply now powers the input stage exclusively


and you can always add a second Pa3000 to make a full monoblack


when you add it up you can not find a better or more flexible amp to drive your Wilsons that offers world class sound and build quality yet is affordable.


Dave and Troy

Audio intellect NJ

T+a dealers




One question-

Are you buying these from a dealer?

If so, then they would be the best people to ask.

If not, then PM John Rutan (audioconnection), he doesn't sell Wilson, but knows just about everything stereo and won't try to sell you something.-Just look on Audiogon to see how many of us regard him.

IMHO, Use your Levinson's to see what you might need/want.

Pass and D'Agostino would be high up on my list. But, I would also consider Ayre.


Given that you’re gonna use this for audio and TV I’d tend to shy away from tubes or pure Class A solid state unless you don’t mind burning $$$ on tubes and/or your electric bill.  In all honesty and given that the Alexia benefits from some power I’d highly recommend looking into the latest GaN amps specifically from AGD or Atmasphere.  All the performance with much less hassle/cost IMHO.  Gotta be at least worth exploring given the rave reviews these amps are getting, and at least the AGD amps are upgradeable at relatively modest cost as tech improves down the line.  Hmmm.  Best of luck.