Luxman Knockoffs or Counterfeits?

Living in the US, it has been very difficult finding a Luxman on the used market. I see lots of models on ebay selling from Japan. The listings look suspicious to me - different sellers with the exact same photo of the product; sometimes the same photo with one seller naming a different model number than another seller, but using the same photo.    

I found one Japanese ebay seller who seems to be legit, Monotokyo, based on seller reviews, but I am hesitant to rely on ebay seller reviews.  

Does anyone have information about Luxman knockoffs or counterfeits? 


First, 100 to 120 volts is a step up transformer.  Minor point but thought I'd mention it.  

Why is that a challenge?  We spend thousands of dollars on power regenerators or even boutique power cords.  Putting a cheap transformer in the power circuit is asking for noise and degradation of quality.  

I haven't shopped for a quality transformers to see if a quality manufacturer makes one.  But I did look for a quality 120 to 240 transfomer without success.  PS Audio is the top brand here IMHO and I have contacted them about making one of their power regenerators that changes voltages and they seemed uninterested.  It would not be difficult, they have the technology.


Try contacting albertportis.  He has a knack for finding people what they want: new, previously owned, demo, etc.  He is a great person and extremely fair with his prices.

This reference to “counterfeits” is a red herring. To my knowledge there have never been reports of Luxman counterfeits, which would be fakes produced by a company other than Luxman. 

Duh, differs countries have different electrical requirements- guess what, it’s been that way forever. Buy the model made for your country. But don’t call the others counterfeits