Which Transport or CD Player?

Looking for a great CD playback solution and considering:

1. Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T

2. Jay's Audio CDT2-MK3

Other options: Denon Anniversary Edition DCD-A110 or Marantz SA-KI RUBY CD Player.  These each have a DAC so could be a plus or minus...another DAC to play with but a compromised transport.  I currently have a Border Patrol SEi dac but not married to it.  

Anyone compare these?  Looking for recommendations.  Thanks


I’ve clearly stated on this and other threads that both products are worth pursuing. I don’t have to denigrate Jay’s Audio products in order to support Pro-Ject products. I’ve no doubt that owners are very pleased with their Jay’s Audio CD transports and I congratulate them.

I can only report my actual ownership experience with the Pro-Ject RS2T and it has been splendid! They have had QC issues and no denying that. It seems that high demand for the units may very well be the catalyst. It appears this has been recognized and being addressed. It is certainly a fixable problem.

I am certainly not the only happy RS2T owner, there are many. In terms of its quality and performance in my audio system, the results are genuinely marvelous. One of the better audio component purchases I’ve made.

if someone is really interested in finding out for themselves I would suggest buying from a vendor who offers an audition period and return policy. Pro and con debating can go on and on. The best solution is to hear and judge for yourself. That’s my take, superb sound quality and contentment.


  I'm not sure you said you hadn't heard or seen the Jay's but I've seen and heard both..A few things for me that made buying the Jays a no brainer..Forgetting the quality control issues or trying to forget the pro-ject documented build issues which is a major major deal..the Jay's is basically  a grand cheaper...not sure project does but I got a nice discount from USA distributor..a grands is a grand....I hate the lid opening on the project..to me it just comes accross as junk and rack installation has yi be considered but that's just me..slide the Jay's transport open and you will know exactly what I'm saying..the project has a seperare power supply which looks cheaper and yes its upgradable but more money more money ...the project comes in at 6 lbs,lol..the Jay's is 35 lbs..it's like Oppo compared to Esoteric,like a brick build as they say...Jay's as far as I know makes 3 products...project no clue on the numbers but they dabble in a lot of stuff....I don't know my friends but for me it wasn't even close....

Don’t limit yourself to these two brands, look at Simaudio, McIntosh, Bel Canto, determine if you want a transport or a player (go transport) and go audition if you can.

Good luck. 

I didn't get the memo were were comparing more than the 2 transports...but since you did the Cyrus if remembering correctly is old school tray loaded and built in the same manner as Oppo, if even that...carry on