What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?

I’m considering a pair of Rel S510s to go with my Diablo 300 and B&W 802 D2’s. I’ve invested quite a bit in cabling: Audioquest Dragon for my amp, Hurricanes for my source equipment, and Nordost Valhalla 2 for my speaker wire. I can clearly hear the difference between a Hurricane and a Dragon cord when powering my amp. The Dragon puts space and air around vocals and instruments with front to back depth.

There is no way I can afford anything better than two 3m Hurricanes for the Rel S510’s but my question is, how much do power cords matter for subs? Sadly for my wallet, I’ve found that higher grade cords do make a considerable difference for all my other components, verified through blind tests. Not as much as speaker cables, but still a big difference.

I also have a Innuos network isolation switch and also an Innuos USB reclocker, to support my Innuos Zenith Mk 3 streamer.

Does power cord quality matter less with subs than with everything else?

For the record I’ve seen other threads on this subject, with what seems to be consensus that power cords don’t matter with subs, but I was hoping others who, like me, appreciate the difference a top tier power cord can make, can comment on whether there truly is no benefit to using one when it comes to subs. Has anyone compared a Hurricane grade (or better) cord with a stock cord, connected to a high end sub?



Ok..listening to my new favorite artist/recording, "Dreams and Daggers", featuring the absolutely amazing Cecile McLorin Salvant..a 15 on a scale of 10.


Great bass..texture, nuance, dynamic..and yes..my upgrade from Venom to Venom NR improved the clarity/speed..of the bass and I think the NR helped clear up the mid frequencies..which I didn’t realize that they needed greater clarity..What an album..I’m purchasing a second copy and putting it away.

@vonhelmholtz I will give Dreams and Daggers a listen.  Thanks for the tip!

I don’t doubt that bass definition and speed can help with subs.  @simonmoon , I know exactly what you mean about power cords impacting ambience, soundstage depth etc.  That’s what I have heard too.  But I also found that in my case, these were the most striking and noticeable differences.  I found if you really focus, you hear pretty big differences in bass presentation as well, but it’s simply not what jumps out the most.  I even found that with some high end cables bass energy was reduced (Valhalla 2 PC).


I pretty much expect the trolls to emerge whenever posting about cables, lol!!! Trolls are part of the fun. But I also think there are some who legitimately can’t wrap their heads around how better cables can help. These folks simply are new to the discussion and can’t figure out how “the last few feet of power can make a difference when the power has travelled hundreds of miles” etc. I actually just happened on a post where someone was stating all of the usual arguments, posting links to support their case, telling everyone not to waste their money. He was not a troll, but just new to the age-old debate. Others challenged him to go hear the difference himself, and to his credit, he agreed. He clearly stated his plan for the test, and was ready to come back and say he was right. Again, to his credit, he reported back saying he clearly heard the difference a better power cord made, and indicated that he was dumbfounded as to how it could possibly make a difference. He then said “I was wrong”. Something you don’t normally hear at the end of internet debates!

So not every anti-cable poster is a troll. I completely agree it goes against common sense for a power cord to make a difference. And, don’t get me started on USB cords…. It doesn’t make any sense at all, but they make a difference! Tested the very expensive Nordost Valhalla 2 USB cord and yes it does improve the mids and treble.  Bass definition was also better, however overall bass energy was reduced.  Much like the Nordost Valhalla 2 power cord actually.  This is in comparison to my much less expensive Audioquest Diamond USB.  In the end I found the improvement to be too minimal for the silly cost, and stuck with my Audioquest’s which are decent.  Of note, the length of the cord makes a massive impact and not in the way you think.  Longer than 1m gives much, much better performance for both USB and power cords in my experience.

Another elongated story void of fact, just a worded story… fact of the matter is there’s no science !!! The overwhelming majority of electricians and highly trained electronic specialists laugh at this garbage. So diddly wad says he hears a difference who cares, One in thousands. I can say I have a degree along with an engineer in the family and am privy to a Studio with many a thousand dollars worth of diagnostic equipment….will you listen to my story ? So the mud slinging continues the BS flows freely and people make money !
