Meitner MA3 amp/integrated suggestions

I recently picked up a used Meitner MA3 to combine my streamer and DAC into one unit. I've been blown away by this unit and it's DAC, but more surprisingly it's preamp/volume control have been excellent! I'm currently running it directly into my beloved Oliver Sayes 421a tube amp, with excellent results. 

Since I listen almost 8hrs a day, I don't want to burn my tubes that much, so I thought I'd look for a solid state amp, or integrated. Reason I thought amp first was because of the excellent volume control on the MA3. 

What are you guys connecting the MA3 to? wpc not a concern since I use highly efficient speakers. since this won't be my main amp i'ld like to find something in the under $3k used budget. Suggestions welcome 


@ghasley hi Geoff! Yes the Sayes 421a is a keeper. I also foolishly sold a dual mono 46 SET he built for me. Thanks for the suggestions. I had a LFD years ago and do remember it was super close to tubes and may need to relook at it. Similarly was a Belles Aria I had, but read the SA100 is sweet amp only. The Leben is another good choice to look into. Never heard one but always glowing support. 

@blisshifi youre right. Tons of folks pair of the Modwright with Daedalus. That used FW M2 looks tempting too. I might have to just buy and sell a ton of used amps to figure it out. 

@juanmanuelfangioii lol. That’s exactly why I was trying to add a solid state to my tube collection. I have 3 WE421a’s piled up, and it’s almost impossible to find them for less than $500 a pop now. At least my amp is only 3 tubes total. Can’t imagine having to swap out 6 or 8 tubes in one amp

hi @juanmanuelfangioii 


Hope you are well...crazy racing this weekend huh?



@ghasley Have you looked at tube prices these days?

I guess it all depends on what some may find affordable vs what they don't...el84's are "affordable" and they run for quite a while. I could imagine a Leben 300xs running between three and four years at 8 hours/day.


Have I looked at tube prices lately? Yes, one of my amps uses 211's so that ship sailed...but I would still rather listen to it than save it for a rainy day...

@ghasley I hear you on rather listen than save it. Was only jerking your chain.

It has been so hot down here I rather listen to an old GE Transistor Radio than heat up my hose with tube heat.


+1 on @blisshifi recommendation of First Watt, especially the SIT series. Closest you will come to tube sound from solid state.