DAC comparison

Hello all. I have a chance to grab an ARC Dac 8. I currently have a Schiit Yggy. Has anyone had the opportunity to hear both that could comment on these two dacs? Thanks in advance. 


I've been test driving cars. The Audi S5 and S6 are illustrative / representative of the same. Uber competent. Yet missing more than something [for me].  : )

It’s called Porsche.  That’s what you’re missing. 


I've been test driving cars. The Audi S5 and S6 are illustrative / representative of the same. Uber competent. Yet missing more than something [for me].  : )

Indeed. Audi makes a fine car (my wife drives Audi Allroads after years in BMW's) but they are FWD biased, even if power is being delivered to all four wheels. 

Indeed. Audi makes a fine car (my wife drives Audi Allroads after years in BMW's) but they are FWD biased, even if power is being delivered to all four wheels. 

@ghasley I agree totally.  Audi makes a fine performance car for the masses (R8 or 10 excluded), but if it’s passion you’re after — sorry, Porsche — no substitute. 

Eric -


Basics of what you are referring to (charged caps) is in Analog Devices MT-0156: "Basic DAC Architectures 2" by Walt Kester

I have no opinion on their sound. Not nearly enough experience, yet.

For the record, some very old DACs, with a new digital front end (USB, clock, processing - spit out to DAC) can be superb. I refer to mine as "franken DACs" for short.

I've never heard the ARC, but I did get a chance to compare the Shitt Yggy vs my old Peachtree DAC-iT and it doesn't come close.  The Yggy was edgy and nowhere near as musical as my 7 year old Peachtree.