What tube amp are you using with Von Schweikert VR series speakers

I have a pair of Von Schweikert VR4 jr speakers. I am trying to figure out what tube amp to buy to mate with them. I have tried the Rogue and think it lacks tube characteristics. I asked Damon but never heard a reply back with any suggestions. I would imagine if the amp worked well for a VR4 or 5 it would also be a good mate with the jr's. 




They may be out of your budget, even used, but I think you owe it to yourself to hear these speakers with OTL tube amps. The Atma-sphere M-60 might do the job. (or at least the MA-1). I find that OTL has a clarity, timbre, immediacy etc that overrides other considerations - to my ear (triode might be even better, but that wont work with your speakers). Whatever you do, get a deal where you can try the amp in your room and with your speakers before final decision. 

I own a pair of VR4jr for 13 years. They seems to run best for me biamped with the bass units driven by solid state and the top unit with a separate amp. Are you using the factory jumpers between the top and bottom units?  The biggest sound improvement for me was to avoid the jumper.