@dover I am not owning a broad selection of Tonearms, but I have had approx' 8 Branded Tonearms used throughout a almost 30 year period and have 6 Branded Models still owned and available to use as well as the modified model.

The bulk of the Tonearms are all with design and materials from another era, and then there is the model with the redesign and modern materials selected for usage.

As I own a original Spec Model of the Tonearm that is modified, I am well aware of how far it has developed as a modified model. I have also been able to have it compared to the other models that are owned, that are seen as recommendations at other threads where inquiries are being met with advice.

I feel the way I have gone about attaining my end game Tonearm design has a uniqueness and air of bespoke, attached to it. The Tonearm is certainly not going to be available to a large number of owners, even thought the annual orders for having one produced are usually fully booked. Hence, why the designer has been very supportive in assisting with the design for the model that is built from scratch and is proving to be a very attractive model, this direction for the design will be a legacy for the original design.

The upbeat side of this method used to attain a Tonearm carrying the qualities that are very attractive, is that it has been a very fair cost to get on board, a Sale of a few Tonearms will cover the costs if break even was required.  

I have not got any beef with the models of Tonearm on offer like the Sat offering, where I am a little skeptical is how it has sky rocketed in the retail price over a reasonably short period of time.

There is no doubt that there are individual that are with the monies available to enable them to express an interest in the device. The concern is whether the pricing is as seen, because of the individuals who are willing to spend this type of money on a Tonearm, or if the Tonearm is of such a design that the production cost creates a base model that demands this type of price.

Bearing in mind the SAT models have found their way to speedily increase in retail value over a short period of time.

From my external and limited investigations, there seems to be a small selection of Brands that are creating a niche market, where they are not expecting too many sales, but are meeting with customers or customers representatives who are only looking to have an exclusivity associated with their purchases, and are willing to purchase at a price that naturally manifests the air of exclusivity.



Pindac, why are you so secretive regarding the entity that modified your tonearm, especially since you here reveal that they have a product for sale in the current market? One cannot otherwise benefit from your murky descriptions. “Murky” in the sense that it’s not obvious what upgrades were done to your base tonearm that we’re so beneficial to its performance.

I must be living on another planet. 

I am on a third one..

Could we not get together at one and the same one.👍

@lewm The engineer knows all the places where his Tonearm work is discussed.

If they choose not to join a place and contribute, then that is fine on my end.

I have made it known what equipment I use in a variety of threads so I am not secretive.

It is quite obvious as well that I don't promote products and will always encourage a demonstration is experienced before an assessment is given on any device of interest.

If an interested individual is in the UK, or in Mainland Europe, and was to be receiving a demonstration, I am sure something can be arranged to make a demonstration happen, as there are quite a few users of these Tonearms across the UK and in Mainland Europe.

I will not be parting with any unique design information about any of the Bespoke Built Devices that I own. I have been quite amused when at a public event, by the odd individual asking quite a few questions, and then being seen trying to capture images of the Internal of an amp through a Vent, and then even being more cheeky, later in the event asking if the Amps Base Plate could be removed to let them see inside.

I would not entertain such a request, I am too polite to tell such a type to 'be on their way' any attempt by myself to support such an individual, would be a betrayal of trust to the designer / builder. 

In my mind when one buys into Bespoke, they inherit a responsibility to protect the knowledge used on the design from the designer / builder.

I believe that my vigilant maintenance of this position, is the one that has allowed me to maintain friendships with designers of my equipment for more than 30 years and allow the new relationships to develop that have become available throughout this period.

I certainly won't be jeopardising these relationships, as a result of a voiced dissatisfaction with a content of offered information on a forum.