Vacuum Tubes - Chinese knock offs being sold as NOS?

Hello Audiogon,

So I was searching the ePay website for vacuum tube.  I came across 7 ... YES 7  adds for Mullard 12AT7 NOS CV4024 ECC81 M8162 - UK Military NEW UNOPENED GUARANTEED.

Evidence of foul play:

-  There are vendors all over the world (USA, Taiwan, Great Britain)

- The pictures listed in the all of the adds looks to be from the same source and are all white boxes (military style).

- The date codes on many of the tubes in the picture are the same 83-14.

- The picture of the big box the individual tube boxes come in looks to be the same picture in all of the adds, not to mention the cardboard of the outer box looks brand new.

- For the tubes shown removed from the box most are shown wrapped in thin packaging paper.  Strange that this paper is not yellowed at all as it would for 40+ year old tubes

- These tubes are RARE and expensive when for sale.  Funny to see no less than 7 adds for full boxes of "military tubes" at the same time.  To find a box full of 100s of these tubes would be the find of the century, and I am supposed to believe that 7 such boxes where found at places all over the world?

- I think the military style boxes were selected for the counterfeit as they are easier to fake than original factory boxes.

I have contacted a few sellers (not to buy but to ask why they are lying in their adds), I do not expect to hear back.

I initially was duped (did not purchase, but saved the initial add to my watch list until I saw the other adds pop up so frequently).  Hoping this helps spread awareness of this scam.






Thanks for your detailed and thoughtful response.  I have several vintage USA types (GE, RCA, Tung Sol).  

The immediate purpose of these tubes would be in the phase splitter of a mono power amp, so perhaps not as critical position as say in a pre-amp.

I was thinking it might be interesting to try a Euro made version.  Mullard is a respected brand of GB tubes, so when I saw the first add for them, NOS military, that seemed like a good option for a good price.  I thought someone might have come across a box of them that typically does not sell tubes and was selling them at reasonable prices to move them.  When I saw 7 similar adds of different sellers from all over the world ... well you know the rest of the story. 

Plus some of the pictures that are not identical across all adds, the lettering on the tube seems to be chalky (typical of NOS tubes) and bright and solid on others.

I think I will try a Euro tube, not sure I will try the Mullard ones discussed in this thread or not.

Since I do have a tube test system that can fully test all tube parameters, I tend to shy away from "pro" dealers as I can do the matching and weeding out myself.

Thanks again for your thoughts.


I understand your take/position, but if you only need a single you can purchase a properly tested Amperex/Holland one from Brent Jesse for $60, or so.

Purchased gobs of good tubes on Ebay 20 years ago (as well as loaded tube caddies locally) for close to ZIPPO, but those days are gone and past.



There are still good deals out there... even on the big site, though you are correct, they are getting harder to come by.

You are correct about the Amperex/Holland IBM stuff on Brent's site.  Still some good deals there.  Might try a couple.

I got answers from most of the vendors I contacted about the Mullard military tubes... none of their answers gave me much confidence.   Too many red flags for me, some listings for those tubes seem legit, but most do not.

Caveat emptor

I always buy tubes from Brent Jessee - his recommendations have alway been spot on so far, and while he isn't the cheapest, I can trust him.... 

++++ for Brent, he is hyper trustworthy. I also use Andy at Vintage tube.