The vanishing stereo rack

Following up on another discussion about how important it is to be in the same room as your stereo equipment, Dynaudio is apparently already making the entire stereo vanish.


I am very enthusiastic about the concept. Might not be what you put in a dedicated listening room, but for family shared space, you might get more sound quality out of these than any other option acceptable to the family. Lots of potential here.

I'd love to hear full range powered speakers like these.  Imagine the WAF that would go with not having a stack of audio gear.  My entertainment cabinet could be replaced by a loveseat of something else.

A lot of the joy in the journey would be lost not being able to make changes with various components and I don't see this taking over the audiophile market, but it does get all-in-one closer to what's possible.

I own two pairs of powered Dynaudio speakers. One set in the bedroom and one in the living room. Both are standmount. Bedroom pair is on metal stands (with springs) and the pair in the living room are on heavy stands on top of Townshend Podiums.

Both pair run Amazon HD via Node/ Dynaudio Connect. They sound great to me and I love the ease of setup and use. (Each speaker requires AC power of course.)


The older I get, the more I prefer to live simply, so it’s a good fit for me.

@mceljo I showed my wife pictures of the Kii Three with bass towers (they are full range) and she thought it was one of the ugliest speakers she had ever seen. It seems like we need to hide the speakers also to get a god WAF (or PAF). Lucky for me I could not afford them anyway.

Cabasse's biggest speaker in the Perl series are also full range. See the end of the page below for a short description (but I think the price is $29k). There will probably be more brands doing this within a few years and some of them will probably go down deep in the bass.

And there is Goldmund with Prana and some other models. The Prana are the smallest in a serie but should go down to 35 Hz, the bigger ones probably lower. Looks like R2D2, you have to decide for yourself what you think about that. And they are expensive.



This is definitely a niche concept and not the "norm" or usual arrangement.  Wide range adoption of the "vanishing stereo rack" will be unusual and or futuristic.